New 200,000 gal Ground Storage Tank

City of Weatherford

Project Details

Provenance Engineering was selected to provide design, bid, and construction oversight for the new 200,000-gallon ground storage tank at Lake Weatherford. The project scope includes the ground storage tank, flow control and mixing systems, surveying, and geotechnical services.

Project components: 
  • New 200,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank
  • Flow Control
  • Mixing Systems
  • Surveying
  • Geotechnical 


The City required additional capacity with maximum operational flexibility, all while adhering to a constrained budget.


Provenance Engineering collaborated with City staff to evaluate cost-effective alternatives, including comparing prestressed concrete versus steel ground storage tanks, upsizing the tank for full redundancy, and selecting mixing systems to minimize water age while optimizing performance.

Construction Value
$930,000 est

Our goal is to provide longevity in technical solutions and stability as an engineering provider that uniquely understands each clients’ needs and infrastructure.

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