Markets Served

Serving Cities, Districts & Developers Across Texas & Beyond

Provenance Engineering provides water and wastewater planning and design services for local and state agencies that manage water supplies and treatment systems within our communities. This includes municipalities (big and small) and water districts/river authorities across the state of Texas.

Additionally, Provenance provides water supply planning and engineering services for private water developers and new land developers – those looking to install water well, treatment systems or lift stations on tracts of land.

Across all these markets, Provenance’s Team provides value to our clients through dedicated project management and close coordination every step of the way.

    • We understand growth. Increased demand due to growth means more infrastructure or upgrades to existing infrastructure. Provenance understands growth and can help you create long-term plans as well as detailed design and bidding services.
    • We find cost efficiency in our projects. At Provenance, we like to find innovative solutions resulting in significant savings for our clients plus project completion on or under budget.
    • We are responsive. At Provenance, the same project manager assigned on day one will work with you until project completion. You’ll also have cell phone contact information, and we’ll be available throughout the life of the project.
Map of Texas